Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Quarter Reading Assignment #3 (QRA)

Quarter Reading Assignment (Quarter 3)
Due: 4/2/19
100 Points

All of the studies suggest that students who read frequently tend to write, read, speak, and understand language on a level that infrequent readers struggle to reach.  For this reason, you are required to read a book that is at least 250 pages in length.

To get credit for your pages, you must create and present a powerpoint, Google presentation, or Prezi for your book which includes the following components:

Slide 1) Your name, name of book and author
Slide 2)  An author bio (paragraph, 5 sentences)
Slide 3-4) A plot summary (15 bullet points, 7 words each )
Slide 5)  A description of the major characters in the work (5 minimum)
Slide 6) A listing (and description) of the key themes/messages
Slide 7) Two quotes from book (your favorite)
Slide 8) Evaluation: Did you enjoy the book? If so, why?  If not, why?  Feel free to express dislike, but you must state actual reasons.  "I hate books," "I hate classics," and "I hate Europeans classics" are not reasons! 

Your presentation must include 3 relevant pictures. 

Image Credit: Pixabay